[전형 일정]
1) 원서접수 및 서류제출 : 2017. 11. 15(수) ~ 11. 29(수)
2) 면접 전형 : 2017. 12. 9(토)
3) 합격자 발표 : 2017. 12. 19(화)
4) 문의 : intlgrad@skku.edu, 031-290-5028
*수정사항안내: '아동청소년학과' 2차전형 지원 가능합니다.
1. Application/Document Submission Period : 2017. 11. 15 ~ 2017. 11. 29
Submission by visit is available on Mon~Fri, 10:00~17:00
- Mailing address : Office of International Student Services (Intl. Graduate Admission), 27125, Sungkyunkwan University, 2066, Seobu-ro, Jangan-gu, Suwon, Korea (Postal code: 16419)
2. Interview : 2017. 12. 9
3. Acceptance Notification :2017. 12. 19
4. Contact Information : 82-31-290-5028 / intlgrad@skku.edu
* Changed information: 'Child Psychology and Education' Mayjor has opened to be applied
2018전기 2차 일반대학원 외국인특별전형 인터넷접수 페이지안내
2018 Spring 2nd Round Graduate School Admission Internet application