국립국제교육원에서 2018학년도 KGSP 장학생 선발을 진행합니다. 156개국에서 780명 정도의 외국인 유학생을 선발하려고 하니 많은 관심 부탁드립니다.
자세한 내용은 아래 붙임 파일을 참고해주세요.
국내 대학정보(국문&영문)
자주하는 질문
성균관대학교_2018 KGSP 대학원 장학생 선발
Email: kgsp@skku.edu
NIIED is excited to announce the application guidelines of the 2018 Korean Government Scholarship Program for Graduate Degrees.
For the year 2018, we will invite 780 international students from 156 countries, for degree(Master's &Doctoral) and non-degree research programs.
Please find attached the followings;
1. Application Guidelines(Korean &English)
2. University Information(Korean &English)
3. Application Forms(in a ".docx" format)
4. FAQs
5. SKKU_2018 KGSP Graduate Degrees Guidelines
Check the guidelines carefully for further information such as the eligibility requirements, required documents and directions to submit the application.
The deadline will be decided by each office that accepts the application documents, i.e. the Korean Embassies or selected universities.
Please make sure to check their separate announcement for the deadlines.
Thank you and good luck!
Email: kgsp@skku.edu