


2018 Fall (2nd Round) Graduate School Application Schedule

2018.04.24 Hit 5951

2018 Fall (2nd Round) Graduate School Application Schedule as follows,


 Application and Documents Submission : May. 16(Wed.) ~ May. 28(Mon.)

 Interview : Jun. 9 (Sat.)

 Annoucement of Acceptance : Jun. 20 (Wed.)



Application guide for this round will be notified later.


2018 후기 2차 일반대학원 외국인 특별전형 입시 일정은 다음과 같습니다.


 원서접수 및 서류제출 : 2018. 5. 16.(수) ~ 5. 28.(월)

 학과별 면접 : 2018. 6. 9.(토)

 합격자 발표 : 2018. 6. 20.(수)



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